Safety is our number one priority
when taking care of the 120 campers that are onsite each week with us.
Staff and campers
must abide by Rule of 3. Camper are
never to be left unsupervised, and atleast one staff member must be with a
group of campers at all times. The Rule of 3 indicates that if a camper needs
to go anywhere on Camp, they must have atleast themselves and two adults or
themselves, another camper, and an adult. Campers are informed of the Rule of 3
during the All Camp Welcome on Sunday.
Two counselors are assigned per cabin. Occasionally there is a 17-year
old counselor-in-training (CIT) that joins their group to assist. CITs are not
staff members and cannot be the adult in the Rule of 3. Rati o numbers for staff
to campers is 1:5
Child Abuse
Prevention Policy: A main focus of the YMCA is to provide a healthy atmosphere for the
growth and development of children. Any
suspected or reported child abuse shall be treated in accordance with
applicable laws and approved policies.
All YMCA employees must read and sign the Child Abuse Prevention Policy
prior to employment annually.
Privacy at camp: All campers have the right to privacy. All changing of clothes is done in
a bathroom stall or shower stall. Camp Potawotami has a one camper per bunk bed
policy. No other camper is allowed in another’s bed for any reason. Disposable
cameras are recommended. Photos are not permitted to be taken in the cabin or
bathrooms. Cell Phones and smart watches are not permitted during the camper’s
stay at Camp. This is for the privacy and protection of all campers.
Transportation: Campers are only permitted in the YMCA Mini Bus supervised by 2 staff
members. The Camp Director’s vehicles are designated and approved for emergency
transportation of campers only to the hospital accompanied by a Camp Nurse.
Employee information: All staff members,
full-time and seasonal are background and national sex offender registry
checked annually as well as drug tested prior to employment.
All staff are
trained in following topics: child abuse prevention, emergency procedures,
supervision, bullying prevention, active shooter emergency, American Red Cross
First Aid, CPR, AED, totaling a training time of 12 hours. Summer Staff receive
a minimum of 80 total hours of training before campers arrive.
Employee Policies: Employees of YMCA Camp Potawotami are not permitted to be “friends” with
or “follow” campers under 18 on any social media platforms. Relationships built
between campers and counselors is a special bond, however The YMCA does not sanction, encourage or
endorse the use of YMCA employees or volunteers for non-YMCA child care
activities. Such activities are outside
of the scope of an employee or volunteer’s duties with the YMCA. Employees and volunteers shall not engage in
any after-hours or post-childcare. This is a part of our Child Abuse Prevention
If you have any questions about our employees or your child’s safety at
camp, please do not hesitate to contact us.
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