What’s new at YMCA Camp Potawotami for Summer 2020? STEAM
CAMP! STEAM Camp will provide campers with activities to experiment and be
involved with focusing on science, technology, engineering, art, and math. Campers
will learn problem solving, inquiry skills, design and critical thinking, as
well as use creativity and collaboration.
For STEAM Camp, YMCA Camp Potawotami is partnering with the
Kendallville Public Library Youth Services Department. Library
staff will be leading 2 hours of excellent STEAM programming each morning for
campers to test theories and learn through hands-on experimentation. After
STEAM programming, campers will be able to choose a skills class like archery,
climbing, boating, arts and crafts, or sports to participate in throughout the
week. Afternoons will be spent at the waterfront and spending time with their
cabin mates. Evening programs include campfires, a cook-out, and all camp
Last summer, YMCA Camp Potawotami was a location for one of the Kendallville
Public Library Youth Services Department’s pop-up Libraries. Each Sunday,
campers pick out a book from the pop-up library and check-out the book for the
week while they attend Camp. Campers leave their checked-out book in a
designated bin in the cabin at the end of the week. We are happy to announce
that YMCA Camp Potawotami will continue to be a pop-up library location again
for Summer 2020!
STEAM Camp is offered Session 4: June 28- July 3, 2020. Sign up to
be a STEAM camper today!